President Donald J. Trump – Weekly Address 03/03/2017....
President Donald J. Trump – Weekly Address 03/03/2017.
President Donald J. Trump – Weekly Address 03/03/2017.
The Joint Session of Congress. President Donald J. Trump Full Address to a Joint Session of Congress US Capitol Washington, DC February 28, 2017
Are you showing your representatives that you want them to support President Trump’s actions so that he can fulfill his campaign promises for which the American people voted for? I believe you should! Below is the answer I got from U.S. Senator Lindsey O. Graham (R) SC asking for his support to the Executive Order President Trump issued to protect the U.S. from foreign terrorists.
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become …” Lao Tzu
The 45th President of the United States will be Donald J. Trump. That’s right, much to the surprise of many people, TRUMP! Almost all TV networks, research institutes, experts, pundits, political analysts, professors, doctors, and all others who make up public opinion said that Trump was virtually finished and would have very little chance of victory. They wanted Trump to confirm whether he would accept the inevitable defeat if possible give the election to Clinton without a vote, a mere formalism in their view. Today, all we see are those eager to predict the victory of former Secretary of State during President Barack Obama’s term, Mrs. Hillary R. Clinton, excusing themselves. The famous “mea culpa…
“Nobody who works 40 hours per week… ” Bernie Sanders
“Then stop giving their money to people that…” Bill Whittle
Guys, I’ve never been so scared in my life before!
Just can’t stop thinking about that guy in the White House for the next four, maybe eight years.
What is going to happen to us, Siberian-American cats?
I’ve been thinking about going back to my grandpa’s Siberia, in Russia, where we really have democracy and freedom with President Putin. But my humans, they are Brazilians and wouldn’t survive…
When we read or listen to the words and voices of those who are part of the Progressive Movement, we see and hear about love, peace, democracy, respect, equality and a whole basket full of good stuff like that. But After Trump’s victory, we can see that this basket has some not so good stuff in it.
In this debate, Dr. Shelly Kagan and Dr. William Lan Craig will be defending their ideas on morality and their take on the question: “Is God Necessity For Morality”. Dr. Kagan is a Philosophy Professor at Yale University, mostly know for his writings on Moral Philosophy and his course on Death. Dr. William Lan Craig is a Philosopher, Theologian and Christian Apologist. Know for his debates about the existence of God with such figures as Christopher Hitchens and Lawrence M. Krauss. This is a great…
The Future of Healing Online Conference goes live June 22, 2015 and showcases the voices of 60+ top professionals and thought-leaders who’ll help us step into new possibilities and a healthier future. The conference explores cutting-edge thinking in these diverse and fascinating realms:
The Psychology of Eating
Nutrition at the Edge
Cynthia Pasquella is known as The Transformational Nutritionist®. She is known as one of the most sought after celebrity nutritionists in the world. She is famous for inspiring millions of women to look and live great so they can start loving who they are and stop trying to be who they think they’re supposed to be without cookie-cutter diets or deprivation.
Justice, one of the most famous courses taught at Harvard College, is an introduction to moral and political philosophy, offering an opportunity to discuss contemporary dilemmas and controversies.